July 22nd, 2021
Progress has been extremely gratifying for our get together in October. There are still rooms at Mills Falls ( 844-745-2931) (https://www.millfalls.com) at discounted prices. If you have not reserved, I would strongly advise you do so soon since by mid August, the generous rate offer will expire. I will forward more information within the next week with a list of those who have already signed up.
While our primary goal is for everyone to enjoy a relaxing setting to simply catch up, planning is underway for a few activities - like an evening boat ride on Lake Winnipesaukee, several guided hikes over extraordinarily beautiful scenery, a Thursday night dinner for everyone, a 9 hole golf tournament and a few other things such as the inevitable stick ball contest. I'm sure there will also be some kind of service memorializing those who have left us.
We are not planning any organized trip to the school largely because we don't know whether the school will even be amenable to outside visitors. We will communicate with the school in early October to understand their latest point of view. For those of you who might want to do a drive by, what we're suggesting now is that that opportunity may present itself on Friday as you make your way south, I'll be in touch about all these details too.
What I wanted to focus on now, however, is the Reunion Book. George started the project in early 2020 and it has lied dormant for quite a while. We are now re-energizing that effort. A meeting with Mark Harding from Meno Recollections - the firm managing the book process - is happening this afternoon. Mark will be sending you an email within the next couple of weeks with your individual private log-in information. If you haven't already contributed, I urge you to do so. Putting the book together takes more time that you might think so when Mark reaches out, please respond as soon as you can.
Write as expressively and inclusively as you wish. And send any photographs you have - both while you were at the school and in the intervening years. Particularly welcome are images of family or post SPS interactions with classmates.
You do not have to attend the reunion to contribute. Nor, frankly, would you have had to consider coming at all. What we would love to do is include your reflections about what's important to you, what life has been like over the past (cough) years and what your plans are for the future? It was a long time ago; there are certainly some important, goofy, scary, glorious things that have happened to you since 1970. Tell us.
I've heard from some of you that this effort is a bit of a pain in the ass. Who cares, etc? Well, a great many of us do care. Several classmates have worked really hard on the book already. So take a few minutes to add your thoughts. After some additional photographs are taken during our time together in October, digital and hard copies will be sent to everyone in the form. It will likely be quite an extraordinary document. Please contribute!!
Many thanks. Happy mid July. I will be in touch again soon. If you have any questions/comments you want addressed immediately, either email or call me at 917-304-6941.

July 9th, 2019
Greetings. In addition to the Reunion schedule that we forwarded last week, we also have the opportunity to join the Sixth Form in their annual SPARKS Sixth Form Day of Service on Wednesday, 27th May.
The SPARKS Sixth Form Day of Service is a wonderful way to connect with current students and faculty in a meaningful working environment and then over dinner. Other alums and parents also join the event. The shared institutional experience combined with sweat equity, in collaboration with the newest generation of Paulies, is truly a unique and rewarding opportunity. Photos below show the breadth of participation, as well as three of our regulars.
The SPARKS event involves work on the Lower School Pond Trail and other areas on the SPS grounds. It starts at noon and ends at 3pm. Participants may shower in the gym and then enjoy free time on grounds before dinner.
All participants are invited to join the Sixth Form Dinner at 5:30pm in what we called the Upper. This is when the Form of 2020 is inducted into the Alumni Association. The 50th Reunion class' participation in this dinner is a new tradition following the service events. Lex has agreed to speak at the dinner to these newly minted Alums.
For those of you driving up to our reunion on Wednesday, the noon start time is chosen to encourage participation by Alumni from all over New England. For formmates coming from greater distances we have a discounted block of rooms for Tuesday night at the Centennial Hotel in Concord. These rooms can be booked directly by calling the Centennial at 603-227-9000. Please mention the "SPS 1970 50th Reunion group" to receive the discounted rate. We will head up to Mill Falls after dinner.
We hope to get a great representation from our Form next May.
Your Reunion Committee (in Formation)
Steve Crandall - Form Director, 40th Reunion
Tres Davidson - Form Director, 45th Reunion
George Host - Form Director, 50th Reunion
Peter Culver - Form Agent in Perpetuity
Miles Herter - Environmental Architect and Builder
Chip Gowen - Logistics and Scheduling
Guy Nouri - Archives and Yearbook Creative
Fritz Newman - Yearbook Production

June 20th, 2019
We are now, as of the recent Anniversary 2019, the 50th Reunion Form. Congratulations!
Tom Iglehart '69 has passed along Bill Abbe's wonderful rowing scene to use as a banner for our Reunion updates during the coming year. This image tied together Tom's communications to his form which just completed a very well attended and enjoyable 50th reunion.
We are now on our way to making 2020 our best reunion ever.
Our accommodations, and our Saturday Night Dinner, will be at Mill Falls at the Lake in Meredith on Lake Winnipesaukee. Mill Falls was chosen by two of the most recent 50th Reunion Forms and got very positive reviews. It is made up of several buildings and facilities. Its hospitality options will allow us to enjoy unstructured time and recreational activities. I have visited Mill Falls, and Steve and Fritz recently returned from a successful reconnaissance trip.
We are holding fifty rooms in three buildings. Thirty-two rooms are in The Inn at Mill Falls, thirteen are in Chase House, and eight are in Bay Point. Mill Falls and Chase House are adjacent to each other and are just off the Lake. Bay Point is a short walk away and is on the Lake. The Saturday Dinner will be in Chase House. Sharing options include rooms with two doubles, or sofa bed or day bed.
The rooms and rates were locked in before a recent renovation. They are available for a two-day minimum stay and are held until February 29, 2020. Those wanting to arrive as early as Wednesday, or to stay as late as Monday, can get a 20% discount from current rates on the additional nights.
The room sizes, pricing, and booking instructions are set out in these Guestroom Booking Instructions. I encourage you to look at the web site, www.millfalls.com, and to book early.
I would note the following from my experience in going through the booking process:
• Use the web site to browse the rooms. Enter arrival Friday and departure Sunday and group code 2142TC to see the reserved rooms. This allows one to see pictures and descriptions of the rooms and get a good sense of the space.
• Room prices are unique to each building, so one can either use the room schedule in the pdf, or the pull down menu on the site, to select rooms in a particular building.
• Those staying for the two days can complete the booking online.
• Those wishing to add a day should complete their booking by telephone to ensure that they get the same room and the benefit of the best rates for their full stay.
We are also pleased to post below, a preliminary agenda for the two days of the reunion. The agenda also includes a list of activities available at Mill Falls. We look forward to developing our program with you over the next few months.
George Host '70
Form Director
Your Reunion Committee (in Formation)
Steve Crandall - Form Director, 40th Reunion
Tres Davidson - Form Director, 45th Reunion
George Host - Form Director, 50th Reunion
Peter Culver - Form Agent in Perpetuity
Miles Herter - Environmental Architect and Builder
Chip Gowen - Logistics and Scheduling
Guy Nouri - Archives and Yearbook Creative
Fritz Newman - Yearbook Production

Preliminary Schedule for Form of 1970
Anniversary Weekend Activities
Thursday, May 28
Arrival at your leisure (or arrive Wednesday night, May 27th)
Unstructured time to reconnect with formmates/relax
Various recreational activities available (see page 3)
5:00 pm: Informal gathering for drinks/dinner at Town Docks, across the street from Mill Falls.
Friday, May 29
Morning/early afternoon - unstructured time for optional group recreational activities (click here for some ideas....)
3:00 pm: SPS coach busses (2) arrive at Mill Falls to pick up the Form of 1970 and guests for transportation to SPS
4:00 pm: Arrival at Ohrstrom Library to view the Form of '70 archival display on the second floor. Mary Jo Hansen from SPS will meet the group upon arrival
4:45 pm: Depart Library and walk to the Chapel of St. Paul for the Form's private memorial service
5:00-6:30 pm: Form of 1970 Memorial Service
6:30 pm: Depart Chapel and walk to the Upper for reception at 6:45 pm
6:45 pm: 50th Reunion Reception/Dinner, Coit/Upper Common Room/Dining Room
7:30 pm: Reception concludes and dinner is served in the Upper, Main Dining Room
9:00/9:30 pm: Bus departs from outside the Upper for transportation back to Meredith
10:30 pm: Late Night at Mill Falls
Saturday, May 30
10 - 11 am: Alumni Memorial Chapel Service, Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul
11:30 am: Alumni and Form of 2020 Parade, gather outside the Chapel, under the "1970" sign and walk the parade route to the Matthews Hockey Center
12 noon: Luncheon for all alumni and the Form of 2020, Matthews Hockey Center
All alumni, parents, and families gather for lunch at the rinks -
Ingalls Rink (Forms of 1995-2020), Gordon Rink (Forms of 1940-1994)
12 - 1:00 pm: Form Photographs, Matthews Hockey Center
1:00- 2:30 pm: Alumni/Student Games, Stickball, Free Time
2:30 pm: Boat Races, Crumpacker Boathouse on Turkey Pond. Participants should arrive at the boathouse by 2:30 pm. Shuttles will be available for transportation to the Boathouse. A 50th reunion boat would be welcome!
5 - 6 pm: Flagpole Ceremony, Flagpole near Post Office
7:30 pm: Reception for the Form of 1970 and guests at Flagship Ballroom at Mill Falls
8:00 pm: 50th Reunion Dinner and dancing at Flagship Ballroom (60s and 70s tunes)
Sunday, May 31
Form of 2020 Graduation Activities
No scheduled events for the Form of 1970 (at this point), but all alumni are welcome to return to campus for the day.
Mills Falls, Meredith, New Hampshire
• Host venue for two out of the last three SPS 50th reunions
• Room block at three charming inns on the Mill Falls site: The Inn at Mill Falls, The Chase House and Bay Point
• Five restaurants/bars
• Shopping village with 10 unique shops
• Full-service spa
• EKAL Activity Center
• Flagship Ballroom located at Chase House (venue for Saturday evening celebration)
• 45-minute drive from Concord
Optional Activities in Meredith and Surrounding Areas
Every lobby in the two hotel locations has a reference area for information about activities and hikes in the area. These websites have a lot of information about what to do in the Lakes Region:
Golf: If there is enough interest, a golf outing will be organized at Bald Peak Colony Golf Club on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning: www.baldpeak.org.
Spa: Mill Falls Resort Spa comes highly recommended. Visit their site or call 866-719-0161
Hiking: descriptions borrowed heavily from Tom Beale '67
• West Rattlesnake: 1,289 ft. ("Rattlesnakes" in name only)
An easy climb - 1.6 miles round trip with 450 ft. elevation. Description by those in the know say that there are smooth south-facing ledges that are great for relaxing, with expansive views over Squam Lake and Lake Winnipesaukee.
• Doublehead Mountain: 3,053 ft. (North peak)
Near Sandwich and the Rattlesnakes - Great view of Squam Lake and the surrounding White Mountains. 4.8 mile hike - approximately 3 hour hike plus car ride. Considered to be the best mountaintop view in the area.
Castle in the Clouds Tour & Hike: www.castleintheclouds.org
Hotel and Lake Water Activities: EKAL Activity Center at Mill Falls or other rental centers. Kayaking, canoeing, motor boat rentals and lake cruises possible.
Antiquing, Shopping and/or Relaxing: there are numerous options in and around the Meredith area. The Inn complex also offers many quiet and relaxing areas - lakeside and in the hotels for small informal get-togethers with old friends